Forgot Your Funnel?
Here's 5 ways you can make a funnel with stuff around your house!
1. Water Bottle.

Cut a water bottle in half, pour through the body and out the cap. You’re good to go.

2.The Solo Cup

Cut down the seam. Cut the bottom off. Roll it and pour baby, pour!

3. Ziploc Bag

Cut a corner off the back and this makeshift funnel can go around corners.

4. Milk Jug

This will help you pour over or around obstacles. Cut around the handle with a razor blade.

Now you can pour on an angle!

5. Tinfoil

Grab the Tin Foil off last nights left overs.

Wrap the tinfoil around your hand (with your finger pointed) to get the basic shape. Pull your hand out and finish the wrap.

Now you have a funnel that can bend, angle, and get around corners!

Thank you for reading. Please share this with your one friend who always seems to loose everything. Our hope it that this quick tip with help them out of a jam one day.
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