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Used it 2 times it worked great but then the 3rd time of use the cap was warped and would not seat all the way down and would pop off when pressurized.
Elyan, thank you for letting us know. We just sent you an email to get the bleeder sent back to us, so we can better understand what is happening when you say 'the cap was warped'.
Purchased the 3.5 ton jack rod. First use went very well! Super easy to setup, and once in place, felt very safe!. Used with my HF Pittsburg floor jack. Already planning on getting another one as a gift for someone.
Mounts work great. I have a small and large because I use both on my jack.
Pops, love the wall mount. Super creative way to store your AGM Jack Rods in the Jack Rod mounts. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Leif, what else can we say...you sir are bad ass!!! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and a video of your AGM Manual Jack. If you ever post anything on social make sure to tag us, so we can share your page with others.