Jack Rod - AGMProducts
Jack Rod - AGMProducts
Jack Rod Mini in the collapsed position - AGM Products
AGM 2 ton Jack Rod
AGM 3.5 ton Jack Rod

barra de gato

Disponibilidad: En stock

Tamaño: 2 toneladas

2 toneladas
Mini (non adjustable)
3,5 toneladas
3.5 Ton Dual Lever
3,5 toneladas XL

El AGM Jack Rod es un salvavidas para los entusiastas de los vehículos que conocen la frustración de usar soportes de gato tradicionales. El Jack Rod elimina el riesgo de rayar los pisos o tener dificultades para encontrar un lugar adecuado para colocar el soporte mientras trabaja en su vehículo. Esta herramienta fácil de usar le permite convertir su gato de piso existente en un soporte de gato seguro con un mínimo esfuerzo. Nuestro Jack Rod está diseñado para extenderse en su lugar con solo empujar una palanca, lo que le permite bloquear su gato a la altura deseada, incluso si fallan los sellos del gato. Es una solución simple que le ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo, para que pueda concentrarse en los aspectos más agradables de la vida. Esta herramienta es compacta y liviana, por lo que es fácil de guardar en un cajón o guantera. Es un accesorio ideal para talleres, pistas, sesiones de prueba y reparaciones en carretera. El Jack Rod es compatible con la mayoría de los gatos de piso y puede soportar una carga máxima de 2 a 3,5 toneladas. El Jack Rod mide 8 pulgadas cuando está comprimido y 14 pulgadas cuando está extendido, y pesa solo 3,2 libras.

Patente No. 11,505,440


Jack Rod - AGMProducts

2 Ton Jack Rod

Great choice for 1.5 and 2 ton capacity 3 or 4 wheel floor jacks. (works with floor jacks that have a single front roller wheel)

For lifting heights below 17 total inches (from ground to top of floor jack pad)


Jack Rod - AGMProducts

3.5 Ton Jack Rod

Does your floor jack have a capacity over 2 tons? Then the 3.5 ton Jack Rod is for you. Made for 4 wheel floor jacks with capacities from 1.5 - 3.5 ton.

For lifting heights below 17 total inches (from ground to top of floor jack pad)

Part#AGM-FJA-1010 or AGM-FJA-1012

Jack Rod - AGMProducts

3.5 Ton Jack Rod XL

If you have a high clearance vehicle or a vehicle with lots of wheel travel, than the XL is the what you need. Made for 4 wheel floor jacks with weight capacities from 1.5 - 3.5 tons.

For lifting heights above 17 total inches (from ground to top of floor jack pad)



Can I trust the front axle on my floor jack, what about the fact that my floor jack is on wheels?

Glad you asked. We have load tested most major brand floor jacks and each front axle can handle a load that is higher than the floor jack is even capable of lifting.

As for the wheels, whether you are using a Jack Rod or not, you should always lift on flat ground, with your vehicle in park (or in gear) and the emergency brake set...it never hurts to chock a tire either.

Still not convinced. Click on our product overview video and get all the details.

Customer Reviews

Based on 58 reviews
Awesome product, Makes Safety Easy!

Purchased the 3.5 ton jack rod. First use went very well! Super easy to setup, and once in place, felt very safe!. Used with my HF Pittsburg floor jack. Already planning on getting another one as a gift for someone.

Wall mount for both

Mounts work great. I have a small and large because I use both on my jack.

Pops, love the wall mount. Super creative way to store your AGM Jack Rods in the Jack Rod mounts. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

James H.
Doesn’t fit some floor jacks

Before purchasing I called AGM and told them that my floor jacks have a bracket covering the axle of the front wheels. I was told the Jack Rod should fit past the bracket. It does not fit so I had to make a modification to my Jack. Other than the Jack Rod is a brilliant easy to use safety implement

Miranda R.
Durable, Well Designed! Must Have Tool for Euro and Side Skirts covering most of the Pinch Welds.

I just received my second Jack Rod Dual Lever for my mobile repair business!

The first one arrived quickly, and I was able to use it right away on a VW with tight jack points and no room for a jack stand. The Jack Rod solved that problem perfectly! Unfortunately, shortly after that job, my Q50 was stolen—with the Jack Rod inside. Oakland police found the car three days later, but the Jack Rod was gone. :,(

I had to bite the bullet and buy another one, it is 100% worth the investing in that tool. The Jack Rod makes my job easier, faster, and safer, especially for Euro cars and models like the G35/350Z, which have side skirts covering most of the pinch weld areas.

This isn’t a tool you have to treat delicately. I’ve tossed mine on the floor multiple times, and thanks to its durable metal coatings, it’s hard to scratch or dent. Eventually, I plan to get another 3.5T Jack Rod so I can jack up both sides of the front or rear of a car and have Jack Rods under both sides.

Thank you, AGM, for designing such an awesome tool that I use daily!

The best JACK ROD from AGM

I am very pleased that I received the Jack Rod from the USA today. I bought this treasure from AMAZON. I am very pleased that it is such a great product and that it fits my 1.5 ton car jack. My acquaintances and friends have already asked me, where I found the Jack Rod. Of course, on the YOU TUBE channel. Thank you for the very good service and the TOP product. I can use it to lift and repair my Lion (PEUGEOT) easily and safely. I am very happy with it because it is not available in Austria.
Kind regards from Salzburg