No importa cuántas millas en la tierra o las rocas tenga, siempre existe la posibilidad de aprender algo nuevo. Hablamos con Tony Pellegrino de GenRight Off-Road y le preguntamos cuáles eran sus 8 mejores consejos sobre senderos. No teníamos idea de lo que Tony nos arrojaría y, en lugar de estas locas y geniales técnicas de jeep, nos dio los conceptos básicos, que a medida que avanzamos en la vida, a menudo olvidamos o damos por sentado. Estos conceptos básicos pueden ser la diferencia entre un gran día en el sendero y una larga noche tratando de recuperar un vehículo. Después de hablar con Tony, nos pusimos en marcha con Blake Wilkey, Nick y Chris Isenhouer para poner en práctica estos consejos, resulta que ayudan a hacer un gran día. Haga clic para ver el video
A couple of days ago, I submitted my application to become part of the AGM family and be able to distribute all of their products in Baja California Sur. My first purchase was a gas tank for a client who owns a 2025 Polaris RZR Pro R and this was the result!!
Before purchasing I called AGM and told them that my floor jacks have a bracket covering the axle of the front wheels. I was told the Jack Rod should fit past the bracket. It does not fit so I had to make a modification to my Jack. Other than the Jack Rod is a brilliant easy to use safety implement
I just received my second Jack Rod Dual Lever for my mobile repair business!
The first one arrived quickly, and I was able to use it right away on a VW with tight jack points and no room for a jack stand. The Jack Rod solved that problem perfectly! Unfortunately, shortly after that job, my Q50 was stolen—with the Jack Rod inside. Oakland police found the car three days later, but the Jack Rod was gone. :,(
I had to bite the bullet and buy another one, it is 100% worth the investing in that tool. The Jack Rod makes my job easier, faster, and safer, especially for Euro cars and models like the G35/350Z, which have side skirts covering most of the pinch weld areas.
This isn’t a tool you have to treat delicately. I’ve tossed mine on the floor multiple times, and thanks to its durable metal coatings, it’s hard to scratch or dent. Eventually, I plan to get another 3.5T Jack Rod so I can jack up both sides of the front or rear of a car and have Jack Rods under both sides.
Thank you, AGM, for designing such an awesome tool that I use daily!